My favorite too! Inspired by her. Ignore that Idiot Stacy! You deserve better.
I've often wished that I had clear, for life, A million pounds a year, A handsome house to lodge family and friend, A river at my garden's end, A terrace walk, and half a rood of land, set out to plant a wood.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Friday, September 23, 2011
Abaikan namun Jangan putus asa.
(Bahasa Malaysia)
Aku leka bermain mainan otak ku.
Ku bercakap sendiri dalam otak ku.
Panjang lebar yang ku fikirkan.
Disuruh ku menjadi insan yang berguna,
disuruh ku berdiri sendiri,
disuruh ku mencari nafkah sendiri.
Aku akur,
melangkah seribu langkah,
mencari sini dan sana,
namun nasib tidak membela diri ku.
Ku pulang dengan tangan kosong,
ku pulang dengan berita yang menderitakan,
dikata ku tak berguna,
dikata ku tak berakal,
dikata lagi aku ini bodoh.
Sungguh hina aku didepan kamu,
sungguh tak berguna aku kepada kamu.
Aku sekali lagi akur dengan nasib ku,
namun ku ABAIKAN perasaan benci,
perasaan tak puas hati.
Aku pergi sekali lagi,
pergi tanpa suruhan kamu,
pergi sejauh jauhnya,
jauh dari duri ini.
Ku mencari lagi sini dan sana,
kali ini nasib membelahi diriku ini,
Ku Berjaya!
Akhirnya Ku berjaya.
Kamu yang mencaci,
kamu yang menghina,
kamu yang memandang rendah kepada diri ku ini,
Siapakah juara pada masa ini?
Gagal sekali tidak bermaksud gagal selama-lamanya.
Manusia yang dipandang rendah, tidak mustahil tidak akan berjaya di masa depan.
Khas buat mereka yang kecundang dalam hidup.
Dipetik dan tidak diubahsuia daripada otak Michell Mansuet.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Check it out! (if you simply love creativity)
Check it out!
I was looking at some funny when I stumbled upon this website Three design students from Edinburgh formulated this website as a place where they can regularly upload their creations and share with the world their imagination. The following pictures are by Ross Butter -one of the students.
My girlfriends
Basically there's two person who normally hangout with me when I'm in Sabah. They are crazy, pretty, smart and funny. We never stop laughing!
I wonder how we'll look like in future. :)
Yeah that's Herni Daud and Gretchen Lam. <3
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Welcoming my new 'bestfriend'
Recently, I was bored to death and before I really die :) I decide to drop by a book store. Hoping to get something to keep me alive. Well, thanks to Mr Boredom, I found a book which is worth to buy for someone like me (pretty much lifeless). If your the kind who enjoy Puzzles, I recommend you to get one of this.
I'm half way to finish up this puzzle, and guess what? I never get bored and eager to finish everything asap. To bad I'm not that genius. And YES it took me few days to finish up some of it!
Here's a picture of my two loyal 'bestfriend'
How to redden your lips.
Shalom! Do you wish to have red pinkish lips? Well everyone would say YES! FYI, lipstick will redden your lips -only TEMPORARY. As for long term, lipstick will cause your lips to turn dark! Shocked? Well now that you know, STOP USING 'THEM' if you are! (Hey! Read the sentence above -again, how many time did I use the word LIP? Lol!)
Here's some tips for you to redden your lips naturally.
*Its FREE and EASY. :)
1st of all, you need to know what causes the lips to turn dark?
-it is due to excessive smoking or chewing nicotine based products and drinking alcoholic beverages. Overuse of cosmetic products like lipsticks may also cause lips to turn dark. Drinking too much tea and coffee may also make lips turn dark. Prolonged exposure to the harsh rays of the sun may also lead to a similar condition.
*In that case, I should invent a sun-lips (sunglasses) to protect our lips when we are expose to rays! I'll be billionaire for that. Wink wink :)
-several simple home remedies to make lips look pinker. You should make sure to remove dirt particles, oil and dead skin cells that accumulate on the lips throughout the day. You may gently wash your lips with some cold water every night before going to bed for this purpose. You may also wipe your lips very gently with a ball of cotton wool soaked in chilled rose water to make your lips look softer and pinker.
-Another remedy is to mix a pinch of turmeric powder with teaspoon of cold milk or milk cream and massage your lips with this paste every day for five minutes. This will make your lips look naturally red and supple. Massaging the lips with some glycerin on a daily basis also helps restore to the lips their original color. One of the most popular solutions for solving the problem of dark lips is to smear them with a little honey every night before going to bed. This nourishes the skin cells of the lips and makes them look brighter naturally.
*Just make sure your accommodation is free from bees and ants! You'll regret if you have to wake up with swollen lips! -I know Angelina looks good. Haha..
-For another remedy, mix a teaspoon each of almond oil and lemon juice and apply this mixture on the lips every day. Leave it on till it dries and then wash your lips with cold water. You may also add a little powdered sugar on a thin slice of lime and rub your lips with it very gently. This acts as a natural exfoliating and bleaching agent that makes lips look smoother and redder. Overnight application of a little clarified butter on the lips also helps redden their color naturally. You may also soak a few almonds in half a cup of milk overnight, grind them finely to a paste the next morning and apply it on your lips. This helps make lips regain their original color in a few months. A mixture of some gram flour, a spoon each of honey and yoghurt and a few drops of lime juice may also be used regularly on the lips to make them redder.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Don't feel bad about yourself
No matter who gets the credit, when you know you have given your BEST,
even when nobody knows it, you can still tap your back knowing your still a
'Somebody who does your BEST' & time will tell.
Never underestimate anyone.
Never Under Estimate Anyone -Brilliant Short Story
A young boy enters a barber shop and the barber whispers to his Customer, "This is the dumbest kid in the world. Watch while I prove it to you."The barber puts a 50 bucks -one hand and 5 bucks in the other, then calls the boy over and asks, "Which do you want, son?"
The boy takes the 5 bucks and leaves.
"What did I tell you?" said the barber. "That kid never learns!"
"Hey, son! May I ask you a question?
Why did you take 5 bucks instead of 50 bucks?"
The boy licked his cone and replied,
Moral of the Story:
When you think the other person is dumb, you are making a fool of yourself
When you think the other person is dumb, you are making a fool of yourself
![]() |
May look fool from the outside, but whats the capacity of that mini miny brain? |
What do you do when you are all Pinched up?
What do you normally do when you are all stressed up and everything you do is just not right?
For someone who are not mentally strong enough will definitely go with this one word -Die (terrifying isn't it). We don't blame those who have committed suicide, but put all the Shit on those who watch and ignore. They are just a normal human being who needs someone where they can actually express their feeling and receive motivation in return. If you are about to object my definition, let me explain further. I know right now the question that mingles in your mind would be -Why don't he/she (victim) find someone to express their depression? -Well its a simple concept. When your out of mind, the brain is not fully functioning. -Traumatize. You will not realize what you are actually doing! Next time when you see someone with sad faces on the street, a simple compliment will change his/her entire life. I would definitely do anything to cheer my friends up! A cup of hot chocolate sounds good. A walk with small chit chat sounds boring but this trick will bring them out from -miserable life when they get tired. A sincere smile. A Karoake session to relief stress and anger (this is what I normally do with my girlfriends). Working out and get totally sweaty in that tick jacket makes you feel better. Those who are facing intermediate problem, you can take long relaxing shower with that fragrance smells.
Last but not least -SLEEP!
The most important thing never leave anyone who are depressed alone in his/her comfy zone.
No one knows how hurt she is crying all night long and woke up the next day with a smile on her face. Her eyes tells everything but what is the use of sunglasses? p/s: Next time you see anyone walking in the mall with dark sunglasses on, stop judging and saying that she/he is being show off. Stop and ask if they are OK. Jocking. :)
Look cool with glasses on
Whats behind the shade? We never know..
What Do You Do To keep Your Mind.....
What do you do to keep your mind active?
As we all know it is very important to keep your mind -Working.
I'm pretty sure those who enjoy school / University break will face 'freaking #%^@^ mind block' when you have to flip your 80's tick dictionary books again!
Here's something you can do to ensure you'll not faint when class is about to start again.
Try to warm up your mind by playing Sudoku.
p/s: Pick the -Easy Sudoku if your a beginner. You don't want to end up -Giving up on this Fun game!
Those who hates numbers, try this game! -'Unblock me'
I'm pretty sure now days almost everyone is using -Android phones. *Stop lying -Facebook tells everything :)
I really enjoy playing this game! And guess what? In 3days I'm in level 313 now! Try it before you say something!
Another 'never die' classic game that you can give a try -Of course Word Search Puzzle!
Anyway this is just a suggestion from me. If you have any other interesting 'Warm up' mind -Games, Do let me know! I would definitely give a try! You won't loose anything by the way. And its totally free!
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